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How do you prescribe Pep if you have HIV?

Use CDC's comprehensive guidelines for prescribing PEP. PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is the use of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV in a person without HIV who may have been recently exposed to HIV. Exposure typically occurs through sex or sharing syringes (or other injection equipment) with someone who has or might have HIV.

Is Pep a substitute for other HIV prevention methods?

It’s important to note that PEP is for emergency use only. It’s not a substitute for other HIV prevention methods, such as using a condom or other barrier method during sex or taking preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PEP is actually a combination of different antiretroviral drugs.

When should I start Pep If I have HIV?

Consider initiating PEP in people whose vagina, rectum, eye, mouth or other mucous membrane, nonintact skin, or perforated skin (e.g., needle stick) came into contact with body fluids from a person with HIV within 72 hours before they sought care. If the exposure source's HIV status is unknown, make a case-by-case determination.

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